Wednesday 20 July 2011


Think the Beach Boys, the monsoon conditions of the UK in mid July, people who make rash generalisations, myself included and a host of amazing fruit and vegetables with a little added extra from Africa.. and you have ' Heroes and Villains'

1 raw beetroot
1 stick celery
2 leaves spinach
chunk cucumber
slice lemon
1 gala apple
1tbsp baobab fruit powder

The juice of beetroot is effective in lowering high blood pressure. It has been observed that the blood pressure dropped after one hour of consuming beetroot juice.

Celery is an alkaline food that helps fight Acidosis, the condition of depletion of alkaline reserve of the body

The minerals in spinach is highly alkaline, making it helpful in regulating the body pH. It supplies the same amount of protein as you would get from the same quantity of meat a cheaper and healthier alternative to getting protein

The regular intake of cucumber juice is very useful both internally and externally.Herbalists recommend cucumber juice to reduce puffiness around the eyes and to calm down acne

Lemon juice is very high in citric acid, which helps the body fight off colds. Lemons and the juice also acts as an antioxidants

phytonutrients in the skin of apples inhibited the growth of colon cancer cells by 43%
Food containing flavonoids like those in apples may reduce risk of lung cancer as much as 50%

Baobab is a wondrous source of important nutrients. It’s packed with Vitamin C, iron and potassium, as well as being a source of antioxidants and essential amino acid

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